We have made every effort to ensure that our Terms & Conditions are not to complicated or long, we ask only that
you should take the time to read this page carefully..
The software here is the product of many years of work (and long hours) and as a programmer, I am self taught, therefore I would appreciate a bit of leniency here.
I ask, only, that you appreciate the effort put into the software that you can find here and that you respect the copyrights of that software.
All of the software that you download from this site is guaranteed free of all known viruses and Trojans and should function on your system, though I cannot guarantee the they will work on every system of platform., therefore, you are bound to install this software at your own risk and I/we of MaxFx Software cannot be held responsible for any damage occurring through the use or misuse of the software.
I/we would appreciate any feedback regarding the software offered here, whether it be praise or abuse, but I would like to mention that I do not take kindly to most forms of abuse.

That's it Folks

Just enjoy the software for me...........

Fred Irving,  the Netherlands.............


Copyright © 2009 MaxFx Software All rights reserved.   Revised: January 02, 2010 .